Sunday, 22 July 2012

Hospitals are for the Healthy

As I write this, I am an inpatient on an Acute Medical Admissions Ward. This is a ward designed to take people straight from the Accident & Emergency department and care for them until they are well enough to go home, or until they move on to another, more specialised, ward. There are several teams of doctors that care for the patients on this ward, all led by Consultants who specialise in Acute Medicine.

I can't help feeling that this set-up isn't a very good 'fit' for me.

Depending on how specific you want to be, I have at least six conditions listed in the 'diagnosis' section of my patient record, none of which are 'acute'. Sometimes I have an acute flare-up of, say, asthma, for which I could legitimately be admitted to this ward. However, the acute flare will always be on a background of chronic 'difficult' asthma, which is a poorly understood condition, even among respiratory specialists.

Unfortunately, admitting me for an acute flare-up of asthma is not as simple as admitting someone who is otherwise well. My other conditions still have to be treated and monitored, and sometimes the treatment for the asthma must be modified because of my other conditions and vice versa. This is not always as straightforward as it sounds, and often requires input from multiple specialists.

Usually I am transferred quickly from this admissions ward to a more specialist (respiratory or gastro) ward, where I am much more at ease, but for some reason that hasn't happened this time. Which may be because I have an infection, and that was seen (in isolation from my other complex conditions) as a simple, acute problem.

Which it isn't.

Anyway, I digress. My point was really just that so much of medicine is geared towards admitting people with acute conditions, restoring them quickly to their previously healthy state, and allowing them to go home. Those who don't fit this simplistic mould must be elderly, and therefore can be transferred to the Elderly Care service.

The paediatricians are used to seeing children with complex medical needs, and paediatric units are often shining beacons of multidisciplinary care, but somehow this fizzles out as the patients get older. I know that there are other young-ish adults out there with chronic/rare/complex conditions. I read their blogs and follow them on Twitter, but I don't see them in hospitals, and I don't see a system that is designed to care for them.

I see a system designed for people who can walk down long corridors for miles and miles, don't require a special or complex diet (vegetarian is probably manageable, but low-FODMAPs or a ketogenic diet - you must be joking!), don't need snacks outside set mealtimes, need minimal help to dress, feed themselves or transfer, can wash independently (in a shower cubicle without a seat), don't have severe allergies to air-fresheners/cleaning products, can hear their name called from behind a screen in a busy clinic, can remember the names and dosages of their medications... I'm sure you can think of so many more examples.

Hospitals are designed for healthy people, and I say we need a rethink.

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